Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Kisses make you Buzz

So recently there has been a birthday!!! OWEN'S to which he was SPOILED ROTTEN! Because he is adorable, sweet, smart, and totally deserves all the cuddles and cake in the world!

He didn't eat the cake. That is okay! He was adorable anyway!!!

Owen playing with an old broken phone we found in a drawer. He loves those darn things. Ever. Single. One I give him he claims. xD

Deed my weekly grocery trip with Cory and I decided that I saw this thing and it was cute. I see them ALL the time, usually the canned version and I was like "Okay FINE I will GET YOU and the lovely Cory bought me it. Caffinated Kisses!

Today before the said shopping trip I had to get the uber cute guy and his daddy together! Outfit on Owen generously gifted by the amazing ERIN. WHO IS AWESOME AND OWEN CLAIMS HER AS HIS AUNT/GOD MOMMY/GIRLFRIEND.

Yea, we let him think that she is his girlfriend or otherwise his little heart would break!

Welp now to change that scary diaper! EWW POOPIES!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

6 Costumes of Many I have availible for Faire

Costume 1: Corset and tube under-dress

Costume 2 : Tube underdress as skirt, white blouse, under-bust corset.Costume 3: White bouse, belt, and black thick leggings.

Costume 4: Best, leggings, blouse, black vest.

Costume 5: Black poet shirt, black skirt, red lace overlay
Costume 6: Black poet shirt, underbust corset, belt, and black leggings.

Mommy and Owen YAY! :D


Donating blood next week at the Ren Faire! :D Figuring out costume options before then. I like both 4 and 6 a whole lot. Baby accessible after all! :) And I still get to look awesome *dances*

So most likely I am going with 6. Just need a belt! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are all DOOMED!!!

Someone figured out how to climb already. This will make life fun. xD I need those metal boots Link wore in Ocarina of Time to keep him on the ocean floor. Although, with my luck, the tot will gain muscle to overpower those and then all they will be are some handy paper weights.

Yea, you see that? He did that. My little not-eve-one year old tot pushed a box over so he could do that. xD

I love him dearly, he is awesome. Now he just needs to learn how to walk! Then I can be like "OH MY GAWD I CAN'T KEEP UP!!!"

Oooh also, he stood completely on his own without help today! This time he was looking at me and we were on the floor and he was just like "Yup I am here and now, I feel like sitting" and sat down.

Epically awesome!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

You Are my Dark Angel

You are the blood that runs through my veins. The beat that plays in my chest. You are the lips that touch mine, and you are the one I never regret. You are fantastic. You are the best, and next to you I will always rest. I will be your wings, and I will listen to your fears, because baby I am all ears. ♥ " --- Tamara Connatser

So I am going to scour up some older photos of the hubby because I can. I am soon coming onto my 1st Anniversary with him on Halloween. He makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside and he has helped me more than he knows.

I love you CORY!!

And now it is 25 days until Owen is 1 year old! IT IS SO DAMN EXCITING!!! :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I am a big dork, and I love candy on occasion. Of course I have to be in the mood and craving it. As a child I was never a HUGE candy monster, and I still am not. Probably a good thing, heh heh.

But I saw the Bumblebee themed Baby Bottle pops with color changing berry flavor and I wanted them. So I got two. Imma saving the other one for a zillion years.

And then some :D

See I thoroughly enjoyed my candy. Haven't had those in YEARS. Fun stuff :)

Meanwhile, I finally pulled a picture of me on my Birthday dinner earlier this year in my sexy black dress. :) Ignore the fact that somehow I both look sexy and pudgy. It's the giant boobage. xD

I will have to try it on again sometime since I am even skinnier now than before but still have giant boobage. Just... need an occasion to go out again. xD

ANYWAY... Imma gonna go cuddle awesome baby and drink some Chocolate Milk. WHOO!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Blog, I was Inspired!!

Owen took a Bath today and he sat in the tub without me. I was so proud because he didn't spazz or anything. Just had fun playing with his whale toy and water cup. So I was like "Cory get in here, we haven't taken a bath picture since he first got here!!!"

Thus... this beauty was created:

*sniff sniff* He is so awesome!!! LOOK AT THAT FACE! LOOK AT THOSE EYES!

Yea, I am a crazy happy momma. <3 Soon he will be a year old... and there will be pictures EVERYWHERE!!!!

Super Hero Baby coming to a town near you! :D